The European Union is a very contentious issue in current
affairs. To stay? To leave? The benefits? The drawbacks? These are dilemmas
that will never really be resolved, regardless of what action is taken. What we
can discuss, though, is how the European Union came to be what it is today -
and what exactly that is.
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Today's EU is has derived from more than 50 years of
European economic, political and social integration. The process started on the
25th March 1957 when the Treaty of Rome was signed by the six founding members
of the European Economic Community: West Germany, Italy, France, Luxembourg,
the Netherlands and Belgium. The treaty was laid out into a series of articles,
with Articles 1, 2 and 3 being the most important. Article 1 established the
European Economic Community. Articles 2 and 3 set out all of the economic goals
and initiatives to achieve them for the six nations.
Article 3 would be the main focus for us economists, here
the methods of creating economic integration between the nations are discussed.
The main points are outlined below:
- Article 3a - Removal of trade barriers, tariffs and quotas between member states.
- Article 3b - Adoption of a 'Common Commercial Policy'. This in essence is a tariff on imports from all non-members. This common policy with respect to tariffs made the EEC a 'customs union'.
- Article 3c - Integration of capital and labour markets, which meant there should be a freedom of movement of services.
- Article 3g - Ensures undistorted competition in member states. This meant subsidies from governments to national firms that distorted trade were banned, there had to be a common competition policy, a harmonizing of national laws that affected market operation and harmonization of some national taxes.
- As well as these, there was a call for mechanisms to coordinate member state macroeconomic policy in case of Balance of Payments crises and they all agreed on goals and principles for agriculture (The Common Agricultural Policy came into effect in 1962).
One thing that wasn't included in the treaty was
integration on social policy and taxes (bar
the ones that affected competition). The argument was that both of these
would greatly affect the lives of citizens in the EU and therefore a
harmonization would cause difficulties and conflict. There was also an economic
argument put forward as to why both of these weren't necessary for success.
Since the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957 there has
been very little modifications to the actual content of the articles - until
the signing of the Treaty of Lisbon in 2007, changes only came in the form of
additions to the original policies. For example, Article 2 stated that the EU
should be promoting the 'economic good life'. The definition of this has
changed and been expanded over time and now includes all of the following
criterion: high employment, gender equality, high degree of competition, environmental
quality improvements and rising living standards, to name but a few. Article 3
set out a list of activities to achieve the 'economic good life', this list has
also been added to as the years have progressed and the dynamic of the
community has changed. It now includes the following non-exhaustive list:
immigration policy for non EU members, coordination of employment policy,
environmental policies, improvements in industrial competitiveness, promotion
of research and development and promotion of health and consumer protection. The
Treaty of Lisbon is set to overhaul the original treaty in terms of its form,
not its content. The main change would come in its promotion of the 'good life'
as opposed to the 'economic good life', suggesting less emphasis is being
placed on economic integration in more recent times. The result of this treaty
will not be seen for many years yet as most of the policies aren't set to take
effect until 2014 and beyond.
So European economic integration took place in a variety
of stages. An index was created so economic historians could quantify the
extent of integration (Mongelli et al. 2007). The suggestion from this index
was that from 1958-1968 integration happened quickly and over these 10 years a
Customs Union was formed. From 1973 to roughly 1986 there was a period of
Euro-pessimism where little integration occurred because people were unsure of
the effects. From 1986 to 1992 things picked up again as the Single Market was
formed through the Single Market Programme. Finally, from 1992 onwards
integration continued as the Economic and Monetary Union was adopted and of
course the common currency came into effect.
The structure of the EU changed drastically in 1992 and
is set to change again when the effects of the Lisbon Treaty fully take effect.
Prior to the signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, all new integration had
to be subject to majority voting before it was passed. This system was
problematic - it created a divide. On one side we had "the
Vanguards", Germany for instance, who were all for the spread of integration
and would agree to any policy that improved things. On the other side was
"the Doubters", the UK for example, who feared that further
integration was forcing EU citizens to accept more integration that they didn't
even want - therefore this side rejected most attempts at further integration.
The solution was the Maastricht Treaty and its three pillar system. This
organisational structure drew a line between supranational and
intergovernmental policy areas. The first pillar contained all integration
under the Treaty of Rome, and was still subject to supranational-ity (majority
voting between members). This was the European Community. The second pillar was
for all foreign and defence matters and the third pillar for police, justice
and 'other home affairs'. This treaty put member states in full control of the
second and third pillars, giving some independence. Integration is these two
pillars was subject to direct negotiation between member states and required a full
"yes" consensus before anything was passed. The development of the
Treaty of Lisbon is set to remove the three pillar system.
What we can conclude is that economic integration in
Europe has come about through a progressive series of treaties. The three most
important ones to remember are the Treaty Establishing the European Community
(Treaty of Rome), the Treaty on the European Union (Maastricht Treaty) and
finally the Treaty of Lisbon. These three are the only ones that created real
structural change to integration in Europe. The results of the Treaty of Lisbon
are still in the pipeline, so it'll be a while before we can analyse the
success of such a policy. Cheers for reading.
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